A collected list of all our tools and models

Our ideology is to release all our tools for free, as we get familiar with them in practice. Every tool, model or the like you find below will have been tested, tried, maybe modified and implemented in everyday life. Either internally in Bloch&Østergaard or in collaboration with or clients and partners. This means that some of the tools are modified, adapted or made from scratch, which also means that they have different Creative Common Licenses (CC). We have marked alle tools and models which the appropriate CC variation. Basically this means: These tools and models are to you, from us at Bloch&Østergaard.

Feel free to download them and use them. If you have comments or improvements to them, please let us know.

Most tools and models you’ll find on this tool page is licensed Creative Common. There may be some variants, but it will be explicit in the downloaded file.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Tool: How to analyze and understand your leadership project

If you want to engage your peers, your managers or your colleagues in leadership activities, you need to establish a mutual engagement and willingness to do so. That starts with a good understanding of the challenge you are tackling - or the opportunity you want to exploit. And that starts with analyzing it, so that you can convey the message and start the change.

Tool: The agenda of a modern department meeting

Oh, the classic department meeting. So tedious and boring. But wait, it does not have to be. If you rearrange the elements of the meeting, then the flow and the mood of the meeting changes. Here is how to do that: Purpose, People, Progress, and Profit.

Tool: Using Kanban Board Agendas when facilitating team meetings

It’s easy. It’s a minimal amount of effort and stuff you need. Basically, just post-its, black pens and wall space. If you really want to go all in, I’ll recommend you find one of those small whiteboards or a flip over.

Tool: Modern people leadership – part 2: The rhythm

This is the second part of a two-piece blog post about modern people leadership, about the rhythm and daily mechanisms of modern people leadership

Tool: Modern people leadership – part 1: The framework

This is the first part of a two-piece blog post about modern people leadership, describing the frame for your work and collaboration.
five traits of a leader

Tool: Five Traits of Leaders that Transform

This tool, Five Traits of Leaders that Transform will help you understand, how to identify what capabilities your organization have.
impact story

Tool: Impact Stories

The Impact Story template helps you understand (in a collaboration with your employees) what the organizations impact is and what it stands for.

Tool: The Pizza Model

The ‘Pizza Model’ shows the four areas, that describes the components of roles in an organisation. Download it here.
Innovation matrix

Tool: The Innovation Matrix

Innovation Matrix is a model that helps you map and understand how innovation in your organization takes place. Download the tool here. .
Does your organization have the capabilities of the future?

Tool: Does your organization have the capabilities of the future?

Do your organization have what it takes? The rate and impact of change in the business world is massive. We need to look at our organizations and figure out how we can adapt to the future of work.
Driving the change that innovation brings

Tool: Driving the change that innovation brings

Innovation always brings some form of change along the side - but for who? Take a second to look at the blast radius as well as the sphere of influence
Tool for Hypothesis-driven experimentation and innovation

Tool: Hypothesis-driven experimentation and innovation

This blog post gives insight to the tool and template, and should be read as a follow-up to the blog post on speedboats.
find your why

Tool: How to create your organizations WHY

The past few weeks I've both seen some presentations on how to find your organizations WHY and purpose and been part of the process in an organization.